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Lotus 1-2-3

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<tool, product> A spreadsheet for MS-DOS from Lotus Development Corporation. It can be programmed using "macros" and comes with a separate program to produce graphs and charts but this cannot be run at the same time as the spreadsheet. It has keyboard-driven pop-up menus as well as one-key commands, making it fast to operate. Lotus 1-2-3 supported EGA and later VGA graphics. Early versions used the filename extension "WK1".

Version: 4.

Lotus 1-2-3 has been the subject of several user interface copyright court cases in the US.


1-2-3's successor, Symphony, had simultaneous update of spreadsheet, graph and word processor windows.


Nearby terms: LOTIS « LOTOS « lots of MIPS but no I/O « Lotus 1-2-3 » Lotus Development Corporation » Lotus Notes » Lotus Notes Formula Language

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